All items are shipped from Singapore and may incur duty or other charges upon entering other countries. Yes, all customs or import duties must be borne by the recipient. Unfortunately, we have no control over these charges and cannot advise what the cost may be as...
Click here for rates International Shipping (Standard/Premium) Rates are in Singapore Dollars (SGD) and zero-rated (i.e. Goods and Services Tax is charged at 0%)
Standard International Shipping : This service may be delivered through a local mail service and may not come with a tracking number. Premium Express International Shipping: Our express agent provides a trackable shipping service. A tracking airwaybill will be sent in...
A “Restricted Zone” is an area or location or premise which is less accessible and harder to reach; or will significantly take up more time to either pick up or deliver a shipment; or has restrictions on access. Click here for details.